Precious Metals Price Update Dec 24, 2023 at 07:00:05 AM UTC - Gold Spot $$2,053.25, Silver Spot $$24.23

Executive Coins |

📢 Here's the morning update from Executive Coins! 🚀 At 2023-12-24 00:00:05 MST, the spot prices for precious metals are: ⏩ Gold spot price: $2053.25 ⏩ Silver spot price: $24.23 ⏩ Platinum spot price: $980.09 ⏩ Palladium spot price: $1215.50 ⏩ Rhodium spot price: $4425.00 ⏩ Copper spot price: $0.24 Stay tuned to Executive Coins for daily morning updates on the latest trends in the precious metal market. Make sure you’re ahead of the curve with Executive Coins! 💼💰 #SpotPriceUpdate #ExecutiveCoins