Precious Metals Price Update Dec 27, 2023 at 08:01:34 PM UTC - Gold Spot $$2,077.18, Silver Spot $$24.31

Executive Coins |

πŸ“£ Executive Coins brings you the latest in precious metals price updates on this winter day πŸŽ„! Here are our latest spot prices as of 2023-12-27 13:01:34 MST: πŸ”Ά Gold: $2077.18 πŸ”Ή Silver: $24.31 πŸ”˜ Platinum: $1004.08 πŸ”Ί Palladium: $1152.50 βšͺ Rhodium: $4425.00 πŸ”Έ Copper: $0.25 Stay tuned for more market news on our blog and social media. Wishing you profitable investments! πŸ’ΌπŸ’° #SpotPriceUpdate #ExecutiveCoins